
Article posted Wednesday, January 2, 2013 1:57pm

“I don’t think we’re overbuilt, we’re under-demolished.” – Daniel Hurwitz, CEO of the retail real estate firm DDR, on the state of shopping malls in the United States.


Number of new indoor malls that have been built in the United States since 2009


Percent of all U.S. malls expected to fail within the next decade


Number of regional shopping malls with vacancy rates of over 35 percent nationwide

$1 billion

The estimated financial loss suffered by the U.S. ski industry due to diminished snowfall from global warming


Percent drop in ski-related visits to Wisconsin from high snowfall years to low snowfall years between 1999 and 2011

5 cents

The price of a bottle of Coke in 1886

5 cents

The price of a bottle of Coke in 1959


Percent of all businesses that were started by Americans age 55 and older in 2008


Percent of all businesses that were started by Americans age 55 and older in 2000

Sources: NPR; Wall Street Journal, CBS News; Natural Resources Defense Council; New York Times