
A Simple Harmony Brings Me to My Knees

Just two voices keyed close for eternity
and our children running brave and free
across sunset grass.

It took so long to see these days like arrows
released from a bow, like prayers flying out
with desperate hope into an endless sky.

Too soon, darkness comes creeping across
the stones. The last light whispers briefly
in your hair before leaving.

But the children still laugh as they swing
from branches. We still lean together talking
as we stare into the fire.

How I want to remember the touch of cool air,
the first star appearing in the west, and the
sound of this slow, sad song.

Bio:  In addition to participating in the last two Grutzmacher jubilees, Geoff Collins has recently had his work appear in Verse Wisconsin, Amoskeag and Waterstone Review. He lives with his wife and two daughters (and a book-eating dog) in a small town in southern Wisconsin, where he works in the local schools.