
Affordable Housing Employer Forum Sept. 10

Employers in the Gibraltar School District are invited to an informational forum to present plans for an affordable housing proposal for Sister Bay Sept. 10. Three sessions will be held at 8 am, 2 pm, and 7 pm at the Sister Bay Fire Department at 220 Mill Rd. in the large meeting room.

In an unprecedented partnership to create affordable housing for people who work, or want to work in the Gibraltar School District area, the village has partnered with Door County Habitat for Humanity to draft a sustainable development plan for Water Tower Place, which will be located where the Door County League baseball field now sits. Baseball will move to the village sports complex in 2010. This property is zoned to encourage affordable housing, with the requirement that any homes built there must be for people who work within the Gibraltar School District.

Water Tower Place planners will be distributing more information about the project and will be asking employers to distribute surveys to their employees to determine the interest and need for affordable housing in northern Door County.

Questions, concerns and suggestions can be addressed by calling the DCHfH office at 920.743.2869.