
Aldo Leopold Day at Crossroads

On March 7 at 12 pm, Crossroads at Big Creek will host Lunch With Leopold to celebrate Aldo Leopold Day. As guests eat, they will share readings and film clips. It won’t matter whether a few or many folks show up. All ages are welcome. Crossroads will have hot spiced apple cider warming on the stove and a fire in the fireplace. Participants should bring a brown bag lunch.

Lunch with Leopold will be winding down just as ski for free is opening in our Lower Level. Following the lunch, participants can ski for free. Or at 1:15 pm, Crossroads also will sponsor a hike or a snowshoe of our newly acquired Big Creek Cove property. Meet at the Collins Learning Center. We will look for signs of spring on the way, and if spring truly is near, perhaps that hole of open water near the bridge will be filled with early migrating waterfowl.