
All ages getting social


Percent, the share of pageviews on Facebook from female visitors


Percent of Blogger’s visitors with a household income of $75,000 or more

53.5 billion

Total minutes U.S. citizens spent on Facebook in May of 2011

17.2 billion

Total minutes U.S. citizens spent on Yahoo in the same period, the second most popular website


Percent of social media users who access social media websites from their mobile phones


Percent growth in the number of people age 55 and over who visited social media sites on their mobile phone from May of 2010 to May of 2011


Percent more likely an active social media user is to work out at a gym or health club than a non-active user


Percent of people age 14 to 24 who say they’ve been bullied online


Percent of people age 14 to 24 who say they have sent nude photos or videos of themselves by email, social networking, or texting

Sources: Nielsen Market Research; Associated Press