
An Extension Board of Review and Holiday Events

Welcome to the Notes from the Grove, providing Liberty Grove residents and visitors tid bits of information about goings on in town government.

• The Board of Review received 327 objections following the revaluation this year. It was the first revaluation since 2001. The review process spanned over three weeks, lasting over eight days. The first six days the board met with objectors from 9 am to 6 pm. The 60 plus remaining objectors were heard on two separate days beginning November 30. I would like to thank all the objectors that waited patiently to present their case before the board. Also a thank you to the board, administration and assessor for their diligence in listening to the various cases. It was a long process for all involved.

• The Board of Review concluded its business on Dec. 7 and adjourned after determining that Notices of Board of Review Determination were sent to all objectors that did not receive them in person at the Board of Review. The notice contains information on the original assessment and the final assessment as determined by the Board of Review. Notices were sent by mail with a return receipt required. The Notice of Board of Review Determination includes four additional avenues available if an objector is not satisfied with the Board of Review decision. These additional avenues are contained in Wisconsin Statutes 70.47(13), 70.85, 74.35 and 74.37.

• A comment heard on a rare occasion was that things are done in the winter season when many people are not here. I would encourage everyone to look at the town calendar on the website to note that meetings are held year around on a regular basis. The municipality operates daily throughout the year. I also would encourage people to attend our meetings or following what is happening on the town website. Minutes of board and committee meetings are posted on the site.

• The Town Hall will close for the Christmas Holiday Dec. 23 through Dec. 26. The Town Office will be open Dec. 31 from 9 am to noon for tax collections.