
Baileys Harbor Core District Expansion Advisory Referendum

Baileys Harbor voters will have the chance to voice their opinion on the proposed town core expansion at the ballot box April 5. The non-binding referendum question will appear on the ballot as follows:

Shall the Town of Baileys Harbor amend the Town Core designation in its Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan by extending the existing Town Core south to CTH. E, west of S.T.H. 57 only, to include an area within 900 feet westerly of, and parallel to, the centerline of S.T.H. 57?

If you vote “yes” you are indicating that you want the properties west of Hwy. 57 from Summit Road (current south boundary of the town’s Core Area) to Cty. E to be designated as “Core Area” to a maximum depth of 900 feet.

If you vote “no” you are indicating that you do not want the current Core Area extended.