
Bear Quota Set

The Natural Resources Board approved the 2014 Wisconsin bear season quota of 4,750 as recommended by the Department of Natural Resources.

The quota was set with the intention of reducing the population in northwest Wisconsin and stabilizing the population in the rest of the state, and will be distributed across the Wisconsin’s four bear hunting zones.

The upcoming season’s quota of 4,750 is an increase from last year’s quota of 4,700. To achieve this quota the Department will issue 10,690 permits, representing a record number of permits available to Wisconsin bear hunters.

The season structure for this year’s bear hunt is as follows.

Zone C (dogs not permitted):

Sept. 9 to Oct. 13, with aid of bait and all other legal methods not using dogs.

All other zones (use of dogs permitted):

Sept. 9-15, with aid of dogs only;

Sept. 16 to Oct. 6, with aid of bait, dogs and all other legal methods; and

Oct. 7-13, with aid of bait and all other legal methods not using dogs.

For more information, search the DNR website,, for keyword “bear.”