
Brulé Returns to Thrill Audience at Peg Egan

The Native American music group Brulé will return to the Peg Egan Performing Arts Center (PAC) on Aug. 1, 7 pm. 

Brulé has pushed the boundaries of contemporary Native American rhythms and classic rock in genre-blending selections. Its electrifying show thrills audiences with a five-piece rock ensemble, traditional Native American instrumentation, and the stunning steps of one of the top Native American dance troupes. This authenticity brings a multidimensional art form to cultural rock opera.

Brulé is one of the top-selling Native American adult/rock music groups, and it’s been named Group of the Year five times by the prestigious Native American Music Awards, earning seven NAMMYs since 2002. 

Find out more about the concert at 7840 Church St. in Egg Harbor by calling 920.493.5979.

Photo by Kathy Summers.


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