
Congratulations to Andria Nikoupolis-Weliky

There is a Greek gal who landed here by chance,
You might know her, she teaches dance at the Y.
She is a sight to see, in the parades during the 4th of July!

And every spring she has a recital
Where glitter and tutus sparkle!
She Zumbas and taps and teaches ballet.
Choreographing dance pieces for the Gibraltar play.

She’s up most nights creating dance numbers without pay.
She’s been teaching since 1995, this girl is Andria Nikoupolis- Weliky,
Dancin’ on the Door she will be, this is her new studio
A baby, she is expecting to see!

Andria is a generous, loving, hardworking dance teacher, mother, partner, and daughter and a beautiful dancer herself! We just want to say thank you for all you do for your family and your community! Congratulations, you deserve it!