
Cost-cutting Measures Sought for Jetty Repair

To hold down costs on repairs to the Anclam Park jetty, Baileys Harbor’s town board suggested a scaled-back project this month. Waves and historically high Lake Michigan water levels during the past two years have damaged the pathway and trail on the jetty, forcing a trail closure.

Town engineer Steve Parent recently presented the board with possible costs of repairing the trail – first with gravel, then with asphalt and with concrete – ranging from $5,000 to more than $30,000.

Board members suggested a fourth possibility: a temporary fix of filling washed-out spots with gravel, hauling in soil and planting grass for a green pathway on top of the jetty. Parent said topsoil has been at a premium in Door County, but a town official said there’s actually excess topsoil at the town’s Green Site. Parent then said the costs could be reduced if the town provided some of the topsoil.

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