
DCMC Announces Next Steps for Medical Services

As Wisconsin moves forward in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Door County Medical Center (DCMC) is taking steps to make health-care services more accessible while maintaining safety and meeting patients’ needs. 

The status of DCMC medical services is as follows. 

• Urgent care and emergency department: Anyone needing urgent or emergency care for any health condition is welcome. Do not wait to receive urgent or emergency care.

• Elective surgeries: DCMC has worked with other regional hospitals to follow specific guidelines for resuming elective procedures. 

• DCMC clinic and rehabilitation services: Clinicians and rehab specialists are available for patients at all locations, especially for patients who need to manage health conditions. Adjustments will be made, including the requirement that all wear a mask at all times. 

• Alternatives to in-person visits: Consider using alternative communication means for nonemergency consultations. DCMC staff  will listen to your concerns and work to provide you with needed services. 

• COVID-19 screening: If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, please contact DCMC about screening. Visitor restrictions are still in place and apply to anyone entering a DCMC facility. Each patient-care area has its own guidelines within those restrictions. Please contact your clinician’s office if you have questions regarding visitor restrictions.