
“Detropia” Screened at UUF

A free screening of Detropia, an evocative new documentary from filmmakers Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, will be shown at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Door County on June 18 at 4:30 pm.

Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century— the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now, the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos. With its vivid, painterly palette and haunting score, Detropia sculpts a dreamlike collage of a grand city teetering on the brink of dissolution.

The film is part of the UU Fellowship’s monthly Movies That Matter series. UUF is located at 10341 Highway 42 in north Ephraim. For more information call 920.854.7559.