
Discover “Autumn’s Unleashed Beauty” at Bjِrklunden

From Sept. 30 to Oct. 5, Bjِrklunden is offering “Autumn’s Unleashed Beauty” with Don Quintenz.

How is it possible for a bird to recognize the stars in the night sky at birth? How does a dark sky tell us our universe had a recent beginning?

To answer these and other questions, participants will hike the trails of Bjِrklunden to learn from birds in the mornings, observe sunrises and investigate the dark, evening skies.

Autumn sunrises are later than usual and participants will learn about, and likely observe, the famous “green flash,” best seen from an eastern exposure to Lake Michigan.

Bjِrklunden’s sky is one of the darkest and best for seeing stars and planets, and again, autumn is the time of year that brings earlier night skies than usual.

Daily free time will be determined mostly by weather conditions.

Quintenz, Director of Education and Director of Land Management at Schlitz Audubon Center in Milwaukee, has taught Environmental Education since 1967. He previously worked with the Milwaukee Public Schools as its environmental specialist.

Seminars take place at Bjِrklunden’s lodge, just south of Baileys Harbor. Seminar classes meet weekday mornings and some evenings.

For complete course descriptions, fees, and registration information, call 920.839.2216 or visit