
Editor’s Note: That’s All She Wrote – At Least for Election Letters

We received 5,200 words’ worth of letters for this issue of the Peninsula Pulse. That’s a full page and a half. And that doesn’t even count those that came in after the sharp deadline of noon on Monday.

Roughly 99.5% of these letters were political. We did expect this surge, given that this issue of the Pulse is the final one before the election in which we will publish political letters. And I’m not complaining – it’s wonderful that people engage with us to voice their opinions. At times it’s a little delicate moderating them all, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Newspapers traditionally prohibit political letters in the issue immediately before an election because if someone gets something wrong, there’s no chance before the election to correct the printed record. In that spirit, we abide by this protocol. This means that no political letters of any kind whatsoever will appear in next week’s (Nov. 4) issue of the Pulse or online. 

As for this week, we could not fit all the letters in print. If you sent one that was 350 words or fewer, contained source material for your non-opinion claims and arrived to us by noon Monday, then your letter would have been considered. For this week, given the sheer volume, all those that we accepted and that did not fit in print were uploaded to our website at If you don’t see your letter here in print, look online.

Thanks for the engagement, everyone. Happy Midterm Election.