
Explore Tree Rings and the Night Sky at Crossroads

Crossroads at Big Creek continues to offer educational programming in November.

Three distinct programs open to the community are scheduled for Nov. 10. At 10 am, Crystal Pomeroy, PT, at Ministry Door County Medical Center, will present Diabetes Update 2012. Pomeroy will explain the relationship between exercise and diabetes and demonstrate how to adapt activities to meet special needs.

At 2 pm, the Family Program will be “Learning from Tree Rings.” Through hands-on activities young people and their adult companions will explore tree rings and find out how scientists use rings to learn about history and climate. Participants will receive a souvenir “tree cookie” to bring home.

At this time of year, Saturn is visible in the morning sky, so it is not possible to see Saturn’s rings at night; however, the Door Peninsula Astronomical Society will hold a Night Sky Viewing on Nov. 10 at 7 pm to see other celestial wonders. It may even be possible to see a few meteors from the Taurid Shower (expected to peak Monday). Use the Utah Street Entrance and follow Star Gazer Trail to the Astronomy Campus.

Crossroads is a donor-supported preserve welcoming learners of all ages to programs in science, history and the environment. The Collins Learning Center, open daily 2 – 4:30 pm, is located at 2041 Michigan Street in Sturgeon Bay.

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