
Five Easy and Affordable Ways to Save Energy

1. Set your computer’s operating system to power down or go into sleep mode when not in use. A monitor in sleep mode can consume less than 10 percent of full operating energy. Also, avoid using screen savers because they waste energy and modern color monitors don’t need them.

2. When replacing appliances, buy ENERGY STAR®-labeled appliances and look for new rebates to be released in late 2009 or early 2010.

3. To lower heating costs, use a programmable thermostat to lower temperature in your home while you sleep or are away from home. For each degree the set temperature is reduced over an eight-hour period, you can save one percent on energy costs.

4. Use small kitchen appliances whenever possible. Microwaves, toaster ovens and slow cookers can use 75 percent less energy than a large electric oven.

5. If you have a second refrigerator or freezer, consider getting rid of it and consolidating your food items. A spare refrigerator can add up to $200 to your energy bill every year.

These tips were reprinted from the “Renewable Report” from WPPI Energy. For more energy-saving tips, visit