
FlourGirl Earns WeddingWire Award

FlourGirl Patissier has earned a WeddingWire Couples’ Choice Award. WeddingWire – a global, online wedding marketplace – annually celebrates the top wedding professionals on its site in more than 20 service categories.

FlourGirl Patissier earned this award based on its outstanding service to newlyweds. WeddingWire features more than three million reviews, and these notable vendors all received high-quality feedback from the newlyweds they had served.

WeddingWire’s CEO, Timothy Chi, said of the awardees, “Not only are these hard-working and distinguished wedding professionals, such as FlourGirl Patissier, a fundamental part of the wedding-planning process for engaged couples, but they help make WeddingWire a trusted source for wedding planning.”

To learn more about FlourGirl Patissier, visit or