
Heritage Road Clarification & Contract Provisions

Welcome to “Notes from the Grove” providing information about Liberty Grove Town government to residents and visitors.

• The board has clarified the routing of nominations for the Heritage Road Program. Nominations are to be sent to the Town Office in care of Administrator Kalms. He will forward the nomination(s) to the Highway Committee for their consideration. The Highway Committee has the option to accept, modify or reject the nomination. It will then send its recommendation to the Town Board for final disposition. Should a situation arise where a nomination is not forwarded to the board, the board can request all paper work regarding the nomination to make a decision.

• The Personnel Committee has reviewed the contract provisions regarding wages for the town administrator and treasurer. Also reviewed were proposed wages for town staff. The recommendations will be sent on to the board as part of the 2013 budget proposal. A reminder that the Annual Budget Hearing is set for November 12 beginning at 6 pm. It will be held at the Town Hall.

• The board has heard a presentation and request for consideration of a sponsorship for the 2013 Legislative Day in Madison. As explained on the Door County Economic Development website, “Door County Legislative Day is a biennial trip to the state capital in Madison by Door County residents, elected officials, business owners and other stakeholders, to bring a locally agreed-upon agenda of Door County issues directly to state elected officials and government agency leaders.”

• The Economic Sustainability Committee will begin focusing on bringing new or relocating businesses to the town. It will continue its effort to help existing businesses, but the committee felt a shift in emphasis was in order.

• The Shred Fest and Appliance Recycling Day was again successful. The shred truck was at capacity at the end of the day. Appliance and computer recycling was down somewhat from past occurrences but deemed very successful. The town will receive final figures in a week.