
History Is Accessible!

I am writing in response to a letter to the editor in the Oct.1-8 issue of the Peninsula Pulse by Ruth Chase concerning the inability to view the memorial pole at Peninsula State Park Golf Course. 

The memorial pole has always been accessible to golfers and tourists who wish to visit it. I have given rides out to the site, and so has our staff over the years. When golfers are playing the course, they have the ability to view the memorial pole and the historical grave marker that gives information about the late Chief Kahquados of the Potawatomi Indians.

Because the memorial pole is located between two golf holes, nongolfers have been given rides by staff to ensure their safety from possibly getting hit by a golf ball, and also from disturbing the play of golfers on the course. These tours have been set up by contacting the course to arrange a day and time for the visit.

The golf course is run by a nonprofit called Peninsula Golf Associates. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources had nothing to do with determining whether Ms. Chase was allowed to go out on the golf course that day. I am the manager of the course, and those arrangements have been made through me in the past. I am happy to make them in the future. 

I am curious about whom Ms. Chase spoke to the day the incident occurred. Misinformation may have been given by a staff member, which is no excuse, but I wish I would have been able to make the situation right before misleading the public about what our policy is on visiting the memorial pole.

I personally invite Ms. Chase back to the course so we can give her the chance to see a very important part of Native American history. We are very proud of the fact that there is such a historical element to the course and take pride in being part of the preservation of the memorial pole.

Jason Daubner, General Manager

Peninsula State Park Golf Course