
Lavender Shop Offers 20 Varieties of Lavender

The Lavender Shop of Fragrant Isle has a wealth of knowledge about lavender, including its important history.

Lavender is a flowering herb that was first grown in the rocky soils of the Mediterranean. Often found between rows of olive trees, lavender traveled north into France and England where it became a garden favorite.

One interesting lavender fact is in WWI, when supplies of antiseptic ran low, gardeners were asked to gather lavender so the oil could be used together with sphagnum moss to treat war wounds.

At present, the genus Lavandula includes 39 different species and more than 200 varieties of lavender. On Washington Island, Fragrant Isle grows 20 different varieties of lavender, most of which can be found at Historic Island Dairy.

Want to know more about lavender? Visit the Lavender Shop of Fragrant Isle at the Historic Island Dairy on Washington Island.