
Letter to the Editor: Appreciate the Imagination and Wit

Everyone knows that part of the “hate and defeat” Trump crusade is to flood the nation’s newspapers with vitriolic letters to the editor and the Pulse has had its fair share in spades. The object, of course, is to give the impression that the entire country is opposed to this madman in the White House! “President Trump stole your Easter eggs.” “The President has taken the wheels off grannie’s chair.” “Trump has padlocked the emergency entrance to the hospital.” And worse!

So, it was refreshing to find in last week’s Pulse letters to the editor a missive from a man in Sturgeon Bay who, apparently, doesn’t appreciate the President but, at least spares us from those dreary, dull and dismal rants from the true foaming at the mouth haters of Donald Trump. This fellow writes “I wake up knowing we are one step closer to being ‘great again’” and “what might Koch Industries pay to own and operate the EPA?” He had other good lines and they delivered his opinion with imagination and wit.

It’s too much to ask the crusaders to knock off their tomes on the tomb hate letters but could they possibly turn them over to the man who writes “as producer and host of the Presidency” and have him re-work them into something we could all enjoy reading.

JJ Gallagher

Ephraim, Wis.

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