
Letter to the Editor: Why I Stand

It has taken a long time but the owners of Facebook and Twitter finally revealed that millions of dollars, actually it was rubles, of fake news ads were bought by Russians to influence our last federal election for president in 2016. Many ads told lies about Clinton and encouraged Americans to vote for Trump.

On Jan. 20, 2017, Donald Trump swore an oath in front of the nation to uphold the U.S. Constitution as he became President. He does not even know what is in that document. He has complained about “fake news” over and over when all the legitimate American newspapers and networks worked hard to investigate illegitimate interference in our voting by a foreign government.

Recently he and his cohorts even suggested that certain news agencies and networks should be shut down for printing “disgusting” news. That shows how ignorant he is about the Constitution. The first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech. Trump exercises that very often but feels others don’t have the right.

Now it has been revealed that members of his own family were using private email accounts for government business. Where are Trey Gowdy and other Republican members of Congress who were riled up against Hillary Clinton doing the same thing? I guess the Trump family thinks they are above the law! And our Republican members of Congress don’t care about these laws now that it is one in their own party violating them.


Charlotte Lukes

Egg Harbor, Wis.

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