
Letter to the Editor: Your Vote is Important to Gibraltar and Door County

I struggled thinking of having to write a letter to explain my feelings about the contested races on the Gibraltar Town Board. All persons running are stand up citizens and I consider all of them friends, and that’s what makes it hard to speak up, this is one of those times I should. I’m asking each voter in Gibraltar, to look beyond that single issue that didn’t get addressed the way you wanted it, and in the end was there not compromise? Look beyond the “gossip” that is being spread at the local hangouts and get the facts. Look at the Town’s finances and where we were six years ago. Be mindful of the huge projects that the Town Board has been and is working on, the highway project, the waterfront planning, and other issues in the works, that could require spending 8 to 20 million dollars or more over the next few years. And most of all I ask you to look past friendships and decide who knows the issues, and who has the experience to see these projects through and is going make the best decisions based on balancing the need versus the cost.

Brian Hackbarth is a young member of the Gibraltar community that has put endless hours into helping our Town. He’s on Town Board, the Planning Commission, he’s also is the Chair of Parks and Lands, and he’s done a great job for us. He’s been a huge part of our financial comeback, and the rebound of our credit rating, and is the one person on this board that we have continued to count on when any financial issues are discussed.

Karl Stubenvoll has been a huge asset to our Town Board when it comes to engineering and building. He is the chairman of the building committee, and has played a huge role in making sure our Town buildings are maintained, and that money is spent wisely on that maintenance. He also is and has been instrumental in the design of our new Town Shop which we are preparing to build. Please consider the ramifications of replacing them, and the number of positions that may need to get filled, at a time when finding people to serve on committees and commissions are next to impossible. I am reminded that to be elected and be an effective Town Board leader you should be involved in these committees and commissions, go to meetings, read minutes, and ask questions, to make informed decisions. Some of the most important meetings in the last six months, including an extremely important finance meeting just recently, had no attendance. Please think about that before you cast your vote, who do you want making these important decisions?

One other vote I’d ask you to consider, please vote for Steve Sohns, for District 18 on the County Board. I will do my best, as I have always tried, on the Town Board, to make fair and balanced decisions for the residence of District 18. Thank you for your consideration and your vote does matter!


Steve Sohns

Fish Creek, Wis.

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