
Letter to the Editor: Baldwin Shows Compassion

Tammy Baldwin is a good senator and deserves to be in office. She had a big impact not only on me, but my family as well. In 2006 my mom had a stroke at 50 from being on birth control due to bleeding issues. The birth control was manufactured by the pharmaceutical company that’s famous for their aspirin. They lied to the doctors so they couldn’t give the correct information to their patients.

After a court battle that lasted over a decade, my mom was basically thrown bread crumbs. I tried to reach out and let our story be heard and no one cared. I emailed over 200 people and along with a local newscaster, the only one who cared was Sen. Tammy Baldwin.

She took the time to write me a letter. She informed about what is really going on. Our lawyer was even lying to us. But she put my mind at ease and was compassionate which no one else showed. Vote for Sen. Baldwin she deserves to be in office.


Thomas Syme

Egg Harbor, Wis.

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