
Letter to the Editor: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resolution an Important First Step

Thank you for reporting about the county supervisors’ passing of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resolution [March 26, “County Supervisors Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis”]. 

When Open Door Pride was formed in 2017, we created a mission statement that read, “Celebrating Our Diversity in Door County with Inclusion for All.” These words expressed our belief that Door County can and should do more. 

We asked Sturgeon Bay to issue a proclamation from the mayor declaring Open Door Pride Festival Day. The next two years, we received a proclamation for Open Door Pride Week. Finally, last year, we received a proclamation declaring June Pride Month, and for a Pride Flag to be flown in Martin Park. 

People suggested we were going too far, too fast, but with each passing year, we took the time to listen. Our community saw beneficial results from increased diversity inclusion. The county supervisors’ resolution is the step toward actions that make real differences in people’s lives.

As we celebrate five years of Open Door Pride, more municipalities, organizations and businesses are joining in our mission because celebrating all without exclusion of other makes us all better. Our actions are realized when our elected officials proclaim and welcome diversity. What an incredible message that is. The understanding that everyone is a part of this community is beyond gratifying.

If we show our openness to welcome diversity, then we must also admit there is a world that hasn’t been allowed an equal seat at the Door County table. Welcoming all isn’t too far or fast enough! To understand that diversity begins with seeing the whole community – not just parts where one can pick and choose – is an amazing moment to celebrate.

This resolution from the county supervisors is an important first step that Celebrates Door County’s Diversity with Inclusion for All. We look forward to the next steps on this important issue and hope the county board engages diverse community members for honest conversation.

Cathy Grier

Chair and Founder of Open Door Pride
Sturgeon Bay, WisconsinCynthia Germain, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin; Steve Makovec, Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin; James Champion, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin; Jodi Milske, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin; Jerod Santek, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin; Sandy Brown, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin; Darrick DeMeuse, Sevastopol, Wisconsin; and Deirdre Fellner, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin