
Letter to the Editor: My Turn to Say ‘Thank You!’

There have been many letters thanking the volunteers at the vaccine clinic in Sturgeon Bay. I am one of those volunteers whom you may have chatted with while waiting in line. I check your name off the list and spend a bit of time getting to know you. 

It’s time for me to turn the table and say “Thank you” to you! Thank you for your smiles, your optimism, and mostly for being hopeful and kind (in fact, one woman gave me a Kind bar). I love what I do, and it’s because of all of you! I leave my day a little pooped but incredibly happy, and you are the reason for that. This community is pretty amazing, and I’m reminded of that so often lately.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making my day a little brighter! We’ll all get through this together.

Deb Davis

Egg Harbor, Wisconsin