
Letter to the Editor: Tammy Who? You’ve Got to be Kidding!

In response to the “Tammy Who” letter (in the Aug. 24-31 issue of the Peninsula Pulse), why yes indeedy, I do believe the signs relate to Tammy Baldwin. Pretty astute, there. Somehow, though, I am having a lot of difficulty equating the time spent by supporters making the signs (not the candidate) and Senator Baldwin’s committee attendance record.  I really don’t think Senator Baldwin is calling in sick so she can sit in her garage in Madison with a case of Krylon spray paint making signs.

As to the 100 missed meetings claim, it is totally meaningless unless it is expressed as a percentage of total meetings and compared to other senators so I can evaluate her attendance. Maybe, as responsible citizens we should look beyond the buzzwords in a super PAC ad and find out how meaningful the 100 meetings claim is.

How many meetings were there?

What was the overall attendance norm of all U.S. Senators?

How many meetings did Ron Johnson miss?

Discussing a candidate’s position on issues is a valid use of time and newsprint. Repeating a meaningless claim is not.


Bruce Hill

Fish Creek, Wis.

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