
Letter to the Editor: The Power of ALEC

ALEC, American Legislative Exchange Council, is composed of a number of big corporations and claims to have more than 2,000 legislative members, but will not disclose names. Many Republican congressmen and state lawmakers receive major funding from the wealthy corporation owners, like the Koch brothers.

These wealthy donors don’t want to pay higher taxes and don’t want the government to regulate their business operation, especially environmental rules. They want “less government” so they can do what they please. Many of the member corporations are in the petroleum, pharmaceutical and insurance industries.

It then is logical that most Republicans speak for those who fund their campaigns. Paul Ryan’s House budget proposals meet the calling of these wealthy supporters, not the lower or middle income people. The restrictive voter ID laws, disbanding unions, cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits are prime causes for ALEC members.

Many problems in our national economy can be linked to the relentless budget cuts made by the Tea Party wing of the GOP. Funding has been cut to so many parts of government including the VA Administration. It is no wonder that veterans must wait for service and treatment. Cuts have also been made to the IRS, law enforcement, public education, road and bridge repairs and to U.S. Embassy security around the world.

When the attack on the Benghazi embassy occurred and four lives were lost, the GOP tried to blame the State Department and Hillary Clinton. They never admitted the 2009 GOP cut of $1.2 billion from the State Department, including funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions, may have led to this tragedy. House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012.

Most people are sick and tired of Washington because the GOP has been obstructing every worthwhile act that has been proposed by the Obama administration. Since Republicans took control of the House in 2010 it has been the least productive body of lawmakers in U.S. history. The Republican Party in Congress can’t even agree among themselves. It is like a schoolyard of fighting children.

The most recent Benghazi hearings, which some GOP members admitted was a way to reduce Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers, was a waste of U.S. tax dollars. So much for the GOP wanting to cut budgets and reduce spending! They want to cut welfare to poor and needy people but are happy to receive corporate welfare in big tax cuts and federal subsidies.

We must encourage people to care about our country and get out and vote for candidates who want to help ordinary citizens have a better life.

Go online and read about who is creating the laws in your state and the federal legislature. Read about it at


Charlotte Lukes

Egg Harbor, Wis.




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