
Letter to the Editor: Unintelligent Intelligence

Politics is about putting one’s self in a state of grace; perhaps to prep himself for that divine mode. Mike Gallagher stated he was praying for all political candidates. Save your prayers, Mike. Most politicians, especially Republicans, are beyond political redemption – besides, prayers are not a strategy.

Mike also claims his 11 years in counterintelligence will serve him well should he be elected. Starting with the Korean War, and for the next 64 years, all intelligence coming out of our nation’s Capitol and the Pentagon has been counter to any rational thinking and mocks the word intelligence. The subsequent strategies and military action taken by Americans after a legion of intelligence experts make their recommendations have taken Americans down the most arduous and bloodiest path in our nation’s history.

Unfortunately, for more than six decades our commanders in chief and their congresses issued what they considered “lawful orders” which caused the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians – men, women and children – and our own military. Wholly lacking is intelligent perception and exit and game plans; along with underestimating the military of the people of small nations to defend their land.

Marine General Joseph Dunford claimed Afghanistan forces have been resilient in fighting the Taliban and that he has a plan based on assumptions.

No one should have to serve under a commander who bases his strategies on “assumptions.”

As a veteran I salute the men and women of our military for their fidelity to service as they carry out “lawful orders” of their Commander in Chief and his assigns.

Unfortunately for those who give their lives for our country, our government has lost all reasoning on what is a “lawful order.”


Ed Hodges

Appleton, Wis.

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