
Notes from the Piano Bench

On Sunday, September 21, 2014, members of our church community and many of our neighbors from other parts of Door County gathered at Shepherd of the Bay to support and encourage Don and Jenn Gaddes (Don has been battling cancer). The benefit event that had been planned in their name was attended by more than 500 friends, who enjoyed a two-piano concert, bid on some amazing donations at the silent auction tables, enjoyed a hayride on a sunny autumn afternoon and feasted with their neighbors at the beautiful reception afterward. It was a day that will not soon be forgotten in the life of our church and the surrounding community.

Carl and I were so pleased to play this two-piano benefit concert for the Gaddes family. Although it was “billed” as a benefit concert, the event was far more than that! So many people were involved in this effort to shine a light of hope, encouragement and compassion to this family that it became a united community of Christian love and support. We were so pleased to be supported by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans this year, as they have partnered with our efforts in every benefit concert we have played at Shepherd. Thank you, Thrivent!

To thank everyone who contributed to the success of the benefit event would be an overwhelming task. A few people must be acknowledged for their leadership and special connection to the encouraging outcome of Sunday afternoon. Alicia Kropuenske, Fawn Fitzgerald and Val Austgen were instrumental in gathering the wide variety of goods and services for the silent auction, organizing the tables in such an attractive manner and encouraging people to bid enthusiastically on their favorite treasures. So many people donated items for the silent auction, beautiful items! Everything that was donated for this event was purchased by our generous bidders. Every penny raised from this silent auction will be given to the Gaddes family as a loving gesture from this supportive community of friends and neighbors. Thank you, Alicia, Fawn and Val!

Sue Daubner and her tireless team created a beautiful reception after the concert for all of our guests. The theme of the afternoon’s benefit was “A Few Of Our Favorite Things” and the music was selected from twelve previous benefit programs. Sue used this theme as her creative spark and organized the fellowship hall in a most attractive manner.

Many people have been instrumental to the success of the 13 benefit concerts Carl and I have been privileged to play at Shepherd of the Bay.

Blessings on you all!