
Overheard and Obsessions


Are there tid-bits of conversations you’ve heard while standing in line at the grocery store, serving a table, or walking down the sidewalk that make you smile, cringe or laugh out loud?

“My bubble bath, my 8-tracks, and my 12-pack of Corona.”

“They used to have Swedish girls. But that’s all over.” ~ Overheard in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot

“Birds are so creepy. They have beaks and claws, and all those feathers!”

“It’s not the rooster that wakes me up in the morning, it’s the cat.”

“Do I have to be a mother even when you two are grown up?”

“Watch out for the constabulary!”

“The cat’s doing fine. Except every few days one of his eyes shuts and he can’t open it for a while.”

“It says hither not Hitler!”


Is there anything you can’t stop thinking about, listening to, watching, eating, or drinking? Obsessions are meant to be your of-the-moment fixation.



Water wings

Metallic paint


Mother Jones magazine

Be a part of the Pulse! Send over your SHOUT OUTS, OBSESSIONS, OVERHEARDS, or PET PEEVES to [email protected] with one of the above categories in the subject line…and, let us know if you’d prefer the submission be printed anonymously.