
Overheard in Door County

“Can you imagine never having these flavors in your mouth?”

“Name one food that isn’t better prepared with bacon. Think about it – you can’t, it doesn’t exist!”

“I just can’t win; every time a new reducing diet comes out, more tempting foods appear on the market.”

“I made a whale.”

Asked to a barber: “How do you give a bald-headed man a hair cut?”

At a dentist’s office: “How does a dentist work his way around a drooping moustache?”

“Just relax your body. You’re in a safe space. There are amazing bathrooms here.”

“If you look at the photo on my driver’s license, you will see that I do not look well enough to drive.”

“How many bushels of Maple leaves does it take to make a gallon of Maple syrup?”

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