
Overheard and Obsessions: July 29, 2016


Are there tid-bits of conversations you’ve heard while standing in line at the grocery store, serving a table, or walking down the sidewalk that make you smile, cringe or laugh out loud?


“She done broke my stapler!”


“Basically, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Terrorism, racism and people throwing showers for their relatives.”


“When a lady’s cleaning the men’s bathroom, maybe wait a minute and let her finish before you go in.”


“I just need to meet a nice man who knows nothing about me.”


“You do not want to hook up with that guy. I just saw him pick his nose and eat it.”


“I have never seen so many New Balance sneakers gathered in one location.”


“Buicks and Lincolns drive themselves. You don’t even have to do anything.”


“Either things are getting better or my eyes are getting worse!”



Is there anything you can’t stop thinking about, listening to, watching, eating, or drinking? Obsessions are meant to be your of-the-moment fixation.


Garlic scape pesto


Peach sangria


Black Cow chocolate caramel candy


Grilled pineapple


Cat naps on the back deck


Afternoon Good Eggs


Garden fresh tomatoes


Swimming before bedtime


Pumpkin caramel pancakes


Hiking at Toft Point


Be a part of the Pulse! Send over your SHOUT OUTS, OBSESSIONS, OVERHEARDS, or PET PEEVES to [email protected] with one of the above categories in the subject line…and, let us know if you’d prefer the submission be printed anonymously.

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