

Are there tid-bits of conversations you’ve heard while standing in line at the grocery store, serving a table, or walking down the sidewalk that make you smile, cringe or laugh out loud? The Pulse will be printing the best-of-the-best bits of overheard information from all over the county. Here are just a few:

“Door County is like a combination of the Dells and Branson.”

Asked in a Fish Creek business: “Is the Town Dock near the water?”

“She was like a damsel in distress – all hot and bothered – but without the carriage, of course”

“Door County took my innocence.”

“It feels like somebody injected me with stupid!”

“I have 468 Facebook friends. I’m hoping for 500 by the end of the month. Do you want to be my friend?”

Be a part of the Pulse! Coming up: SHOUT OUTS – Is there someone or something that made you laugh, smile, cringe, want to hug them or throw them overboard? Go ahead and give a “Shout Out” in the Pulse! Send them over to [email protected] with SHOUT OUT in the subject line…and, let us know if you’d prefer the submission be printed anonymously.