
Category: Perspectives

  • By the Numbers


    The backlog of unprocessed claims at the Department of Veterans

  • Notes from the Grove

     Welcome to the Notes from the Grove providing Liberty Grove residents and visitors tidbits of information about goings on in Town Government.

  • An Outlook

    You may find this difficult to believe (I certainly do), but the first column I wrote in Door County (or anywhere else for that matter) appeared near the end of July in 1994.

  • Reasons Behind the Mid-summer Lull in Bird Activity

    The approach of August frequently brings this question from observers of nature, “What has happened to so many of the birds?” One can assume that much nesting has been completed and that the bird population has at least tripled over what it was in late May.

  • Missing Thumb Fun

    One of my older sisters is visiting this week for the first time in years. She’ll be here with her husband and two young kids. There’s plenty of things to do, but as I probed for ideas this week, I kept

  • Why Is It…?

    “Why Is It…?” was designed by Dr. Steiner to address readers’ questions about human behavior from a social psychological perspective in order to inform and stimulate dialogue about the ways in which our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by the presence of other people.

  • Snippets from Science

    A problem with finding a vaccine for the flu virus is that there are almost a hundred different “strains” of influenza virus.

  • By the Numbers


    Percent of all public road mileage that is part of the state highway system


  • Notes from the Grove

    Welcome to the Notes from the Grove providing Liberty Grove residents and visitors tidbits of information about goings on in Town Government.

  • Degrees of Separation

    Do you know someone in Door County who rolls the dice rather than buying health insurance? A family who finds the cost of insurance so prohibitive that they’ll risk a health crisis and bite the bullet if it occurs?

    Maybe you know someone who purchases health insurance but to keep the cost reasonable opts for a deductible so high that the policy is only useful for a catastrophic health event.

  • An Outlook

    Item #1:  Back in 1997, when the Internet was still relatively young, I conducted my first search for references to “Grutzmacher” and, among the results, I discovered a site from a woman in Amsterdam whose personal page prominently featured a photograph of her beloved pet “Dzungarian dwarfhamster” named (you guessed it) “Grutzmacher.

  • The Story Behind The American Pelecinid, the June Bug, and Skunks

    Every time I see holes in a lawn dug by skunks, I am reminded of my first close look at what I thought was an Ichneumon Fly. An entomologist friend had brought it and, being trained in the study of butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, bugs and other insects, quickly informed me that I was admiring an American Pelecinid (pel-e-SY-nid) Wasp.

  • Snakes: Partners in Nature

    It has been my good fortune over the past 54 years to be with thousands of people, from toddlers to adults, hiking, exploring, studying and learning in the great outdoors.

  • Why Is It…?

    “Why Is It…?” was designed by Dr. Steiner to address readers’ questions about human behavior from a social psychological perspective in order to inform and stimulate dialogue about the ways in which our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by the presence of other people.

  • Snippets from Science

    Why we sleep is a neuroscience mystery. Evidence suggests that sleep is associated with learning and memory, and that things we learn during the day are “consolidated” when we sleep.

  • By the Numbers


    People killed in vehicle crashes in the U.S. in 2008, 3,998 fewer than in 2007



  • Notes from the Grove

    Welcome to the Notes from the Grove providing Liberty Grove residents and visitors tidbits of information about the goings on in Town Government.

  • Why Is It…?

    “Why Is It…?” was designed by Dr. Steiner to address readers’ questions about human behavior from a social psychological perspective in order to inform and stimulate dialogue about the ways in which our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by the presence of other people.

  • Snippets from Science

    Annually, tiny sandpipers fly over 1,100 statute miles from the Canadian Arctic to the coast of South America.

  • By the Numbers


    Trucks made per day at GM’s only Detroit auto plant in 2003



    Trucks made per day at the factory today



    The last year a Frenchman won the Tour de France bicycle race



    Number of Americans who had won the race as of 1985



    Number of times an American has won it since (not counting Floyd Landis, stripped of his victory after a positive drug test in 2006)



    Million acres of forest in the United States killed by beetle infestations



    Million more acres expected to die over the next 15 years



    Tons of coal used each day to fuel Utah’s Hunter Power Plant



    Ton, the amount of coal needed to provide one U.