
Pinkliee! Signing

Mary Ellen Sisulak will sign her new children’s picture book, Pinkliee!, on Dec. 28 from 12-4 pm at Base Camp Coffee in Sister Bay.

Here is what Mary Ellen says about the experience of writing and illustrating Pinklieee!: “In March on my birthday, I received my best gift ever. My son called to tell me that I was to be a grandma. In May I took the first class at Write On, Door County with Nancy Carlson. My goal was to figure out how to make my story a picture book and to publish it; my deadline was Juliet Ellen’s birth.

“My son and his wife have had many pets before taking the plunge into having a child. There were ferrets, ‘fancy rats,’ and a dog named Bear. When starting my illustrations, I thought these rats would be good characters to draw.

“These are stories I told my children when they were small. The character name Pinklie came from my youngest son wanting pink tennis shoes. Anticipating the flak from the other boys, I got sensible boy blue ones. He said, ‘Why do the girls get all the pretty things?’ There are lots of references that are personal, but also I feel it’s universal.”

Base Camp is located at 10904 Hwy. 42 in Sister Bay.