
Pulse Reader Poll: What’s your favorite summer hobby?

We asked our readers…

What’s your favorite summer hobby?

“Work. There isn’t enough time for anything else!”

~ Selena Martinez

“I’m going to spend more time relaxing at the pool,
when the weather isn’t good enough for the beach.”

~ Sharon Brungraber

“Floating on floaties while drinking Rosé.
Have you seen all of the floaties on sale at Target? There’s a giant pineapple one.”

~ Sage Conrad

“I’m going to start gardening! Our new yard needs it.”

~ Allyce Mohs

“It’s not a new one for us, but we love to play Ultimate Frisbee.
We’re currently organizing a group to play in Baileys Harbor!”

~ Meredith Coulson and Chris Kanter

“For family time, my husband, son and I like to have beach dinners.
We’ll pack up a dinner and have a picnic on the sand.”

~ Tracy Opper

“For us retirees, we don’t feel that summer pressure as much as everyone else. But, every summer, there’s one thing I make sure to do: make homemade paper. Don’t ask me what I do with it…I love to get my hands in the pulp.”

~ Francha Barnard

“Volunteering at The Ridges is my favorite pastime.
I lead nature walks and birding walks on the weekends.”

~ George Cobb

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