
Referenda Rundown


“Creation of a Transportation Fund. Shall section 9 (2) of article IV and section 11 of article VIII of the constitution be created to require that revenues generated by use of the state transportation system be deposited into a transportation fund administered by a department of transportation for the exclusive purpose of funding Wisconsin’s transportation systems and to prohibit any transfers or lapses from this fund?”

A “yes” vote will prevent the state Legislature from dipping into the transportation fund for other budget items. Between 2003 and 2011, $1.4 billion in transportation funds were redirected by legislators.


Below are the referenda that residents of the Southern Door School District, and the towns of Brussels, Gardner and Union will vote on in the Nov. 4 election.

A “yes” vote for the Southern Door School District referendum will allow the district to exceed the state revenue limit by $390,000; the impact would be $37 on a $100,000 home.

A “yes” vote in the three Southern Door towns would tie various amounts of money from each community for a total not to exceed $4,285,000 to build a new fire/EMS station.

Southern Door County School District:

Shall the Southern Door County School District, Door County, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, on a non-recurring basis by an amount of $390,000 for the 2015-16 school year for the purpose of ongoing operational expenses necessary to maintain current educational programs?

Town of Brussels:

Shall the Town of Brussels have the authority to issue general obligation bonds in combination with the Towns of Gardner and Union in a total sum not to exceed $4,285,000, or to borrow its share ($790,215) of such amount from another source if that is more beneficial, to fund the construction of a new B.U.G. Fire/EMS Station to be located on CTH C near STH 57 in the Town of Brussels and for the remodeling of and addition to the B.U.G. Fire Station located in the Town of Gardner?

Town of Gardner:

Shall the Town of Gardner have the authority to either issue general obligation bonds in combination with the Towns of Brussels and Union in a total sum not to exceed $4,285,000, or to borrow its share ($2,110,327) of such amount from another source if that is more beneficial, to fund the construction of a new B.U.G. Fire/EMS Station to be located on CTH C near STH 57 in the Town of Brussels and remodeling and addition of the B.U.G. Fire Station located in the Town of Gardner?

Town of Union:

Shall the Town of Union have the authority to either issue general obligation bonds in combination with the Towns of Brussels and Gardner in a total sum not to exceed $4,285,000, or to borrow its share ($1,384,458) of such amount from another source if that is more beneficial, to fund the construction of a new B.U.G. Fire/EMS Station to be located on CTH C near STH 57 in the Town of Brussels and the remodeling and addition of the B.U.G. Fire Station located in the Town of Gardner?