
Gov. Walker: Repeat Drunk Driving Now a Felony

Representative Reid Ribble

Ribble will host a free job fair with approximately 90 local employers on Tuesday, May 3, at NWTC, Green Bay. Interested job-seekers can learn more or register at A list of registered employers and registration for job seekers can also be found at

Source: Ribble press release

Governor Scott Walker

Walker signed a bill into law making the fourth drunken driving offense a felony regardless of when it was committed and increasing penalties for repeat drunken drivers. Senate Bill 455, now Act 371, was authored by Senator Alberta Darling (R – River Hills) and Representative Jim Ott (R – Mequon).

Source: Walker press release

Senator Tammy Baldwin

Baldwin joined U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) and several Senate Democrats in introducing the Testing, Removal and Updated Evaluations of Lead Everywhere in America for Dramatic Enhancements that Restore Safety to Homes, Infrastructure and Pipes Act of 2016, or True LEADership Act (S.2821), a comprehensive plan that recommits the federal government to a critical role in water infrastructure investment, lead remediation and the strong drinking water protections provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Incidents like the recent crisis in Flint, Mich., underscore the dangers that can result when the safety of our drinking water and state of our water infrastructure is not made a priority. The True LEADership Act will have nationwide reach, addressing the scourge of lead-laden water and housing across the country. It also will improve our nation’s water infrastructure, while creating thousands of new jobs. “The historic failure seen in Flint should serve as a call to act quickly and comprehensively to invest in better solutions to confront water problems throughout the country by building a modern, made in America water infrastructure,” Baldwin said.

Source: Baldwin press release

President Barack Obama

In his weekly address, the President discussed important steps the Administration has taken to encourage competition – the most essential ingredient in a healthy free market. Right now, too many companies are engaging in behaviors that stifle competition, stacking the deck against consumers, workers, and small businesses. The President emphasized that this isn’t fair – and that’s why he is doing everything he can to reverse this trend and to promote more competition. The President said that’s also why his Administration is encouraging the FCC to open up set-top cable boxes to competition, which will allow for companies to create new, innovative, higher-quality, lower-cost products – because it’s good for workers, businesses, and our economy. The full address is available online at

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