
RPC Rejects Expanded Baileys Harbor Core Plan

The Door County Resource Planning Committee (RPC) rejected the expanded core map the Town of Baileys Harbor submitted in its town comprehensive plan. The RPC met Wednesday, Sept. 23 to review the Door County Comprehensive Plan 2030.

The committee heard from many citizens who spoke against the expansion, approved at a town meeting in March. The Planning Department also received dozens of letters and comments against the expansion during its slate of open house presentations this August and September.

The RPC members said the town should have made the change in a more communicative fashion to develop consensus. It was recommended that the town follow the statutory procedures for amending the comprehensive plan, which includes a public hearing with 30 days notice.

Town chairman Jim Parent said the town board wasn’t happy with the decision, but said it’s time to go back and address the issue at the town level with more information and communication.

“We don’t have a date set, but we’ll take it up relatively soon,” Parent said.The town will have to schedule a public hearing with 30 days notice, then its Plan Commission will review the amendment. The Plan Commission can then make a recommendation to the town, which could approve the amendment and apply to the county to put it into the county plan.

The county comprehensive plan will move to the board of supervisors for consideration in October. The plan they receive will use the 2005 Baileys Harbor core map, which does not include the 80 acres south of Summit Road along Hwy. 57 that were at the center of the dispute between the board and citizens who felt the expansion was not in the spirit of the town Smart Growth Plan.