
Sister Bay Continues with Re-addressing Project

The Village of Sister Bay re-addressing project is going well. The county has forwarded the new address numbers to all appropriate agencies.

The Post Office is planning on utilizing the new addresses on April 1, 2008, and it is anticipated that mail bearing the old addresses will continue to be delivered for approximately one year or until a property changes ownership, whichever occurs first.

The Village’s Zoning Code requires that the following standards be adhered to:

• Commercial buildings must have street numbers which are at least six inches (6”) high displayed on the side of the building facing the roadway.

• Apartment and condominium buildings must have the unique address for each dwelling unit displayed adjacent to the unit entrance. The numbers must be at least three inches (3”) high.

• Residential homes must have street numbers at least three inches (3”) high placed on the side of the home facing the street. If a mailbox exists the numbers should also be placed on the box.

• There are different regulations for buildings which are set back more than 80 feet from the roadway. In those cases numbers must be placed at the edge of the roadway in addition to being placed on the building.

All of the property addressing regulations can be found in Section 66.1020 of the Zoning Code. The entire Zoning Code is accessible on-line at – Intranet Site – Official Documents.