
Sister Bay’s 5th Annual Village Rummage Sale

Are you suffering from recession blues? Want to put your hands on some quick cash? Want to clear your life of “too much stuff” at the same time? Plan to sell that stuff during the Sister Bay All-community Rummage Sale May 16.

It’s time to clean and get registered to give a sale.

Every year approximately 40 sites have been offered. By registering for the sale for a cost of $10, you will receive the benefits of large group advertising, signs for your sale site on the day of the event, and being placed on the thousands of maps created and distributed, both on paper and on the Sister Bay web site.

The registration forms are now available at the Sister Bay Administration Office on Maple Drive and online at The first 35 registrations will be guaranteed a listing and description on our maps. The deadline to register is Friday, May 1.

If you do not live in Sister Bay but would like to join the fun, we are offering sites at the Sports Complex. Multiple booths there would be a real drawing card. You may also join ranks with a friend or relative living in Sister Bay.

Now is the time to decide to have a sale and start using the remaining cruel weather season fondly called “spring in Door County” to get ready. It’s a perfect time to clean closets, drawers, cupboards, basements, garages, and attics. Turn your trash into someone else’s treasure and make money in the process.