
Tips from the Pro

Golfer Pete Mogg of Horseshoe Bay Golf Club.

Do you want to lower your golf scores? You can improve your scores by 5 – 10 shots per round just by becoming a better putter. Putting is without a doubt one of the most important elements of the game of golf. A good putter is a confident putter. There is no right or wrong way to putt so long as you are fundamentally sound and remain confident when putting.

Keep these three important fundamentals in mind when practicing your putting:

1. Keep your eyes over the ball when you putt. This allows you to properly see your line. To make sure you are doing this, drop a ball from your eyes while looking down at your putt. If the ball you drop hits your ball on the putting surface, your eyes are in good position.

2. Use a pendulum stroke when putting. Just like the pendulum on a Grandfather’s clock, your take back should be the same distance as your follow through.

3. Before putting, visualize the path of your putt in and see it falling into the cup.

Try not to think about putting mechanics before you make your stroke. The only thought you should have as you prepare to putt is the line and speed that your ball will travel. The best advice on reading greens is that you should trust your first impression. Don’t over think it! Pick your line and commit to it.

Here are some drills you can use to help become a more confident putter:

1. Use the practice green to gauge your speed and work on distance control. On longer putts (outside of 20 feet) visualize the hole as being a big bushel basket. This will free up your putting motion and allow you to make a tension-free stroke.

2. Practice making putts, not missing them. Putt from 3 – 5 feet to build your confidence. Even the Pros make only half of their 7-footers. If you are practicing 20-footers, you are only hurting your confidence.

3. Find the flattest place on the putting green to practice putting. Short, flat putts are the ones you need to make in order to get better.

4. Concentrate on taking the putter straight back and straight through. This will help you keep the face of the putter square, longer.

5. Finally, always end your putting practice session by making short putts. Never leave the putting green after a miss!

Remember, putts win championships not 300 yard drives! Good luck!