
Unitarian Universalist Education Program Uses Poetry

School-age children will explore values through poetry and service at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Door County (UUFDC).

Junior and senior high school students will be using a new curriculum entitled “Exploring Our Values through Poetry” according to RE Director Lynn Lees. Through the study of poems from all over the world – different cultures, different races, genders and times in history – teachers and Door County poets will help teens explore the big questions of life. Workshops will also enable students to compose their own poems reflecting their thoughts, feelings and hopes.

Each Sunday younger students will listen to a chapter in “The Quest of the Rainbow Dragon,” a saga written by UU minister Elizabeth H. Stevens. In the story, two children set out on a grand adventure to save the world. At home, children will keep a journal describing how they completed a designated task which relates to the UU principle highlighted in the week’s chapter.

In addition, both age groups will select a service project and devote one Sunday a month to the project.

The Religious Education program is open to all school-age children and is held concurrently with the Sunday morning service that begins at 10 am. The UUFDC is located at 10341 Hwy. 42, Ephraim. For more information visit