
Unplanned Garden

Shuttered factories surrounded by empty parking lots
Fenced for security
The workers are gone with their cars
That once were parked between the fading paint striping
The cracks in the pavement contain the new urban garden
The ancient prairie reclaiming its space
Stray grasses, yellow dandelions, blue chicory and other indescribable plant life
Is all that inhabits the old lot
This unplanned garden goes unnoticed but the weeds can be eyesores
And a reminder of jobs lost
Nearby, in a park, unwanted weeds are eliminated
But are ignored and forgotten in the fenced wilderness
As are the people who once worked there
The old factory will one day be torn down and replaced with condos
And a meeting will be held by its new inhabitants
About where to place a garden
A heated discussion will be held concerning what is weed and what is flower
Outside, unnoticed, a green shoot will appear in a small crack
That has formed in the newly poured sidewalk