
UUF Features “Silent Spring”

Most agree the impetus for the environmental movement was a book written by Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, later made into a movie of the same title. Silent Spring will be shown at the UU Fellowship’s Movies That Matter monthly series May 18, 7 pm.



Although their role will probably always be less celebrated than wars, marches, riots, or stormy political campaigns, it is books that have at times most powerfully influenced social change in American life. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, which in 1962 exposed the hazards of the pesticide DDT, eloquently questioned humanity’s faith in technological progress.



The monthly Movies That Matter Series is open to the public at no charge. The UU Fellowship gratefully acknowledges the loan of Silent Spring from the Door County Environmental Council.



The UU Fellowship is located at 10341 Hwy. 42, Ephraim. For more information visit