
“Verse Wisconsin” Seeks Submissions


The theme for the November 2011 issue of Verse Wisconsin Online is “Earthworks.” Co-Editors Sarah Busse and Wendy Vardaman seek poems “that move the earth, and move us as readers.” Poets are encouraged to incorporate themes and images of soil, rock, silt, sand, tunnels and mounds, geography, history, map and metaphor. Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines ‘earthwork’ as,

“an embankment or other construction made of earth; especially one used as a field fortification; the operations connected with excavations and embankments of earth; or a work of art consisting of a portion of land modified by an artist.”


Send poems via email to [email protected]. The subject heading should read “Earthworks Submission: [poet’s last name].” Poems will be considered March 1 – May 1.


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