
What I Love About Music In Door County

Music has always been a passion of mine because it is an excellent foundation to spread positive messages and share common feelings. Musicians pour a little piece of themselves into every song and performance, making music that can cross generations and span lifetimes. Sharing music is a gift to mankind since every emotion of the human soul is expressed through musical compositions that connect us to each other.

Door County truly unites music-lovers. No matter where you are great music will likely find you as the bluffs of the Niagara Escarpment resound an assortment of genres and overflow with musical talent. With a wide variety of places to hear music, you can satisfy your craving almost anytime. Dancing fills the peninsula with laughter and creates many new friendships. Whether it starts around a fire, waterside, in an auditorium, at the bar, or anywhere else, there are plenty of opportunities to experience music.

Bob Marley sang it best, “One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain. So hit me with music.” I gladly danced straight into direct hits this summer and look forward to those coming this fall and winter throughout Door County.