
YMCA Martial Arts Programs Promotes Students

Goju-Ryu Karate promotions were held at the Door County YMCA Northern Door Program Center on April 30. Martial Arts programs are held year round at both Door County YMCA program centers for youth and adults.

(Left to right, front row) Eric Hoyerman, Max Macias, Kaden Lettie, Will Friedenfels, Molly McCormack, Krill Lensert, Jami Faustini, Monique McCormack, Maggie Parzych, Leif Olson; (second row) Marjory Allingham, Mark Stephens, Peter Smith, Shaun Koulias, Hanshi Kevin McGrath, Brad Elkins, John Sawyer, Allura Witalison; (third row) Audrey Ressler, Sern Olson, Connor Moore, Libbey Kirchner, Raymond Roberts, David Omilinsky, Marci Faustini, Phil Faustini, Joeseph Omilinsky, Erik Smith; back row: Johnny Sax, Chris Mydra, Quinn Reimenn, Patrick Ressler.